Building Your Home Gym: Warmup Phase
A true requirement for current times is the need to keep your lifestyle and health choice on the straight and narrow. Letting yourself slip would be so easy in a time where you are stuck indoors forever. However, a little effort will go a long way in keeping you healthy in the seemingly endless Age of Covid. You must also keep in mind that cultivating a fitness habit now will help you out immensely when normal life resumes. To that end, we are here to help you provide a complete solution to making an effective home gym of your own.
Warmup and Cooldown
First, something to warm your limbs up. This is key. Plunging into a workout without a warmup, you run a massive risk of overstraining yourself and/or sustaining a muscle injury of some sort. And ideally, for a warmup, it would be best to have a machine that works on your entire body.
You could use an Air Bike with Moving Handles. Not a large or overly expensive machine, the Reach AB-110 will tuck into a corner of your home gym, ready to be pressed into service at a moment's notice. In fact, it is the least priced machine to work out your entire body at once. There's no denying the machine's popularity, it being the best selling exercise bike in Amazon right now.
However, our best recommendation is the Orbitrek. The Reach O-100 has the dual functions of cross trainer and exercise cycle. These will keep the workouts interesting and exercise both your upper body and lower body. While it costs a smidge more than the Air Bike, its advantages are the stride length it gains by its cross trainer mode of pedals.
Both the machines mentioned above are easy to move, have 8 levels of belt resistance and are pocket friendly. The seat heights are adjustable and in the Orbitrek's case, the handle height can be altered as well.
The same equipment can be used for cooldown, another important element of a workout without which you can suffer from muscle soreness and many other detrimental effects. It's also well known that stopping abruptly after an intense workout can pool your blood in the lower extremities. This sudden loss of blood supply to the head can cause spells of dizziness and in some cases, fainting. Cooldowns help your body readjust to the pace of ordinary daily activity once more.
There are always going to be options for what exercise equipment would be best suited to you but the moral of the story? Mind your W(armups)s and C(ooldown)s.
Keep your ear to the ground for Part 2, where we'll discuss the best all-around options for your cardio workouts.